Donate to the trust today
If you wish to support our work, you can donate in one of the following ways:​​
Bank transfer:
Account Name: Totnes Heritage Trust
Account Number: 39969468
Sort Code: 30-90-89
Made payable to: Totnes Heritage Trust,
Golden Oktober, Jubilee Road, Totnes TQ9 5BP.
If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider completing and sending in the attached Gift Aid form, as it will enable us to claim a further 20% towards the project from the Treasury. Anything that you can give will be gratefully received - this is truly a community effort.

Could you offer your
own gifts and abilities?
There are many different ways in which you can help support our the Totnes Heritage Trust. If you would like to volunteer to help the trust email us at: or write to us at:
Totnes Heritage Trust, Golden Oktober, Jubilee Road, Totnes, TQ9 5BP.
Prospective funders and
grant-making organisations
You might be a prospective funder or grant-making organisation that is currently considering whether to invest in our projects. We would very much like to have the opportunity of showing you just why Totnes Heritage Trust Projects are an extraordinary option for making a lasting difference, both in conservation and community impact terms.
Our chairman, John Birch, would love the chance to speak with you on the telephone, video chat with you, or take you on a tour of our site in person. If that is an option which might appeal to you, please email him at or call him on 01803 840259.

This St Mary's Church project was funded by the Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage. The Culture Recovery Fund is being delivered by The National Lottery Heritage Fund and Historic England, using funds provided by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.

Leaving a legacy or bequest
One of the other ways in which you might want to help to safeguard our precious St Mary’s heritage for future generations is by leaving a legacy in your will. Legacies form a valuable part of how registered charities like ours raise the funds for all of the projects that they seek to undertake.
If you wish to leave a legacy of any amount to the Totnes Heritage Trust, please speak to your legal representative. The correspondence address for legacy notifications is: Totnes Heritage Trust, The Rectory, Northgate, Totnes, TQ9 5NX.